October 12-17, Flea Market in Greece!!!
On October 12th-17th we organize a flea market event, in Athens/ Greece at the foot of the rock of Acropolis. Everyone interested will have the opportunity to display for 5 days gifts or products for sale (bids) for free.
Please contact Villy Enyo for information or send a notecard to her inworld, named:
«submit flea market_name»
Write down your name, type of product (clothes, furniture, scripts etc) and the amount of prims. (The sim is a dense part of the city so there is a possibility that there will be a restriction in prim usage).
Our aim is to organize an event with people and fun.
SIGMA Jewels will be there with selected discounted items and gifts!
Please contact Villy Enyo for information or send a notecard to her inworld, named:
«submit flea market_name»
Write down your name, type of product (clothes, furniture, scripts etc) and the amount of prims. (The sim is a dense part of the city so there is a possibility that there will be a restriction in prim usage).
Our aim is to organize an event with people and fun.
SIGMA Jewels will be there with selected discounted items and gifts!